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Progress VS Perfection

How many times have you put something off because you felt you weren't ready? "I will wait until next month to do X because I will have saved more, be more in shape, thought more, know more, have more time...etc" Sound familiar?

The truth is, timing may be better or worse, but it is never truly perfect or free from obstacles. There will always be a feeling that one or more elements could be MORE perfect than what they are. Unfortunately, if we dwell on what isn't perfect, we will NEVER start anything!

Today, I challenge you to do what you can with what you have NOW to begin working towards a goal that you have been putting off. Start! Do the thing(s) that can be done now. Take the first step, and then the next. And do a little bit everyday this week and watch how much progress you have made by Friday! Even if you encounter obstacles, you are still further along because now you can work on remedying an issue that would have eventually come up anyway!

Progress is the goal, not perfection!